7 events found.
The Classic Novels (and Movies) Book Club of West Seattle
C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, SeattleWeek of Events
The Classic Novels (and Movies) Book Club of West Seattle
The Classic Novels (and Movies) Book Club of West Seattle
The Classic Novels (and Movies) Book Club of West Seattle We begin each time with a fun trivia quiz--the winner receives a prize !--which raises issues and themes of interest. After one hour or so of free-range discussion on the book, we turn to the future, and collectively propose titles and choose one to read.…
Postcards to Voters
Postcards to Voters
Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast. PostcardsToVoters.org via that website or text JOIN to 484/275-2229.