Midnight Mystery Theater

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Midnight Mystery Theater, long running radio style comedy troupe.

Fraser Havens

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Solo Pedal Steel Guitar - Fraser Havens playing all original music. It's a unique chance to hear the pedal steel guitar. The music is a blend of jazz, classical, ambient, blues, americana and anything that sounds good on the pedal steel guitar. https://soundcloud.com/fraser-havens-820353202/let-the-steel-speak?si=261b7d1c6d5a4c74810ee1d97d29b8ee&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Fraser Havens <fraserhavens@gmail.com>

Gary Benson

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Gary Benson Solo performer in the style of; Beatles, Shawn Colvin, James Taylor, Simon & Garfunkel, Rolling Stones, Carolyn Arends and other folk singers. The music I grew up with and the current songs I love. Gary

Acoustic Crisis

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Acoustic Crisis; West Seattle based act. Here is a link to a recent performance: https://youtu.be/xdOiznIBKZE?feature=shared https://www.stressboyrecords.com/acoustic-crisis


Unplugged ~ A Musical Gathering!

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Unplugged ~ A Musical Gathering! An informal venue in a cozy coffeehouse for acoustic instrumentalists and singers of all stripes: Classical, Early Music, Jazz, Folk, Composers, et. al.

David Johnson

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

David Johnson: singer/songwriter www.davidjmusic.com  

Midnight Mystery Theater

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Midnight Mystery Theater, long running radio style comedy troupe.

Paul Gerard

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Paul Gerard Seattle indie artist, singer-songwriter known for his golden voice & heartfelt lyrics. Paul’s passion to "sing your world into being – with love" comes thru in his ballads, love songs and epic anthems on ecology, world cultures and all things heaven & earth. https:// paulgerardmusic.com


The Classic Novels (and Movies) Book Club of West Seattle

C & P Coffee 5612 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

The Classic Novels (and Movies) Book Club of West Seattle We begin each time with a fun trivia quiz--the winner receives a prize !--which raises issues and themes of interest. After one hour or so of free-range discussion on the book, we turn to the future, and collectively propose titles and choose one to read.…