Week of Events
West Seattle Classic Novels (and Movies) book club
West Seattle Classic Novels (and Movies) book club
West Seattle Classic Novels (and Movies) book club Join us for a discussion of the first half of George Eliot's novel, Middlemarch (1871--1872). The first half includes Books I --IV, approx. 405 pages. FYI: In September we will discuss the second half of Middlemarch (Books V--VIII; approx. 390 pages). Meeting outside at an outdoor table behind C &…
Postcards to Voters
Postcards to Voters
Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast. PostcardsToVoters.org via that website or text JOIN to 484/275-2229.
David GARBERS, a solo musician from Botswana using a loop pedal, a guitar and shaker to build songs that are creative and full sounding. I play a variety of covers and original songs.